Samsung Galaxy S8 release date rumors: Codename and impressive specs leaked

The Samsung Galaxy S7 and the S7 Edge, the predecessor of the Samsung Galaxy S8Reuters/Albert Gea

A new bit of information about the heavily rumored Samsung Galaxy S8 has emerged in the form of its codename. According to a new leak, the flagship is being referred to internally as Project Dream.

Admittedly, there's little to no information to take away from codenames being used. If anything, they show the power of the rumor mill when it comes to spewing out details about yet-to-be-released products.

Wccftech points out that knowing the codename of an upcoming device such as the Samsung Galaxy S8 will help in mining details on shipments, where smartphones will usually be referred to by their codenames.

Samsung Galaxy S8 has been a subject of many rumors and leaks in the past despite its release still half a year away. There are big upgrades to be expected including a dual camera setup.

Apple has been playing around with the same feature on the iPhone and it looks like Samsung has no plans on being left behind in this department.

Another feature expected on the Samsung Galaxy S8 is the 4K display. Samsung recently unveiled the Bio Blue OLED display with a stellar Ultra HD resolution and even Virtual Reality support.

The display, which was in prototype status when it was first unveiled earlier this year, emits less blue light, which means it will be friendlier to the eyes.

With this advanced display on board, the Samsung Galaxy S8 will be one of the most redoubtable flagships of next year. Add to that the rumors that it will be fitted out with the Snapdragon 830.

Qualcomm has just unveiled the Snapdragon 821 chipset, although there have been rumors about the Snapdragon 830 already. It is believed to be based on 10nm, making it the first of such architecture.

Samsung Galaxy S8 is expected to be released around April next year.