Samsung Galaxy S8 release date, specs, news: Flagship to feature an AI digital assistant

A promotional image for the Samsung Galaxy S7.Samsung official website

Samsung has confirmed that its next flagship, the Galaxy S8, will feature a number of new and improved features. Reportedly, one of the improvements will be an AI-supported digital assistant.

According to The Korea Herald, the South Korea-based tech giant has confirmed that one major improvement for the Galaxy S8 will be in its digital assistant feature. Reportedly, the upcoming flagship's assistant will feature artificial intelligence. The same AI platform will also be featured in Samsung's home appliances products, which will make the Galaxy S8 one of the interface hubs for smart devices.

The connected technology, according to Samsung Electronics' Vice President Rhee In-jong, will make the Galaxy S8 an all-in-one interface for a smarter home. The Samsung executive stated: "The current Galaxy smartphones need separate applications for users, for instance, to order pizza or coffee. But, the new AI platform will enable them to order (or do) things directly without going through separate applications."

The upcoming new feature is made possible by Samsung acquiring VIV Labs, a Silicon Valley tech company that develops AI-powered platforms. VIV Labs is one of the tech firms behind Apple's AI-supported voice assistant, Siri.

Having a new AI-based digital assistant is a major update for the Galaxy S8, as VIV Labs believes that AI platforms will be one of mainstream features for smart devices come next year. Adam Cheyer, VIV Labs vice president, quips: "Our kids will ask us 'Dad, how did you grow up without the internet? And in the future, next generations will ask 'How did you live without the AI platform?'"

Meanwhile, aside from the new digital assistant, there are other major changes expected in the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S8 flagship. It is said that Samsung will feature another new feature for the iteration, the first dual cam setup for the flagship, as well as near bezel-less display. Other expected specs include a new Exynos and/or Snapdragon processor, at least 6 GB of RAM, and an iris scanner.