Samsung Galaxy S8, S8 Edge release date, specs rumors: handsets coming 2017; production starts in few months

The Samsung Galaxy S8 will reportedly be very different from its predecessor, the Samsung Galaxy S7.Samsung USA

It will only be a matter of months before eager fans of the Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Edge will be able to get their hands on these top-of-the-line gadgets.

According to a report on, these new models of Samsung's flagship smartphones will likely be launched in 2017.

The Galaxy S8 and S8 Edge will most probably be unveiled during the Mobile World Congress in February 2017, Forbes Magazine reported.

In fact, the mass production of the 4K display, which will reportedly be used for the Samsung Galaxy S8, is said to already begin within the next few months, fuelling expectations that the new phones will be out by early next year.

The new handset is said to feature a 5.5-inch screen with 4K UHD capability. This upgraded screen technology allows Samsung to catch up with the growing field of virtual reality in the smartphone world.

It was earlier reported that the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 will have these screen specifications, but this year's curved screen flagship only used a 2K QHD resolution. With Galaxy S8's 4K UHD, Forbes Magazine is already predicting this early that Samsung will keep the crown of "best smartphone display."

Also recently, the South Korean tech giant held an SID Display week, where it unveiled a technology known as "Bio Blue."

Nashville Chatterclass explained that this new technology reduces the levels of blue light from the smartphone screen to 6%. At present, the best smartphone screens in the current market can only bring down blue light to 32%.

This innovation is seen as a step towards the right direction for Samsung, recognizing that prolonged exposure to blue light can damage the eyesight of a person.

Furthermore, the next-gen Samsung Galaxy flagships are expected to feature 2840 by 2160 pixels panels with a pixel density of 806ppi--a marked improvement from the 2560 by 1440 pixels users get on the current QHD panels.