Samsung Galaxy X news: Company cancels radical new smartphone model

One of the headquarters of Samsung

It is an unfortunate circumstance for fans of innovative Samsung smartphones, as the revolutionary flexible smartphone will be folding up since it has been canceled by the company.

However, the move does not seem permanent, as there may still be hope for the release of the Samsung Galaxy X, or more popularly known as the "flexible" or "folding phone." That said, the recent cancellation was rather disheartening for those expecting a revolutionary and exciting new design for smartphones since Samsung even hyped the market for a big 2018 reveal for the Galaxy X.

This was after Samsung mobile chief Koh Dong-jin admitted that the release of the Galaxy X has been hit problems. He did not specify what kind of problems they were, just that a 2018 release or reveal will be difficult. 

"It is difficult to talk about the date of the launch now. We want to unveil the products properly but now seems a bit early... We want to have a good reaction from customers once the phone is out in the market. But there are still durability issues that we need to address," said Koh. This could mean that the phone is not quite ready yet for regular consumer use and requires more engineering efforts to be a viable and practical smartphone.

This could come quite as a shock for a lot of people since Koh has expressed confidently positive estimates that the product will definitely launch in 2018. This was back in Sept. 2017 where Samsung even confirmed the project. There was also the fact that the Galaxy X even passed its Bluetooth and radio certification, which led a lot of Samsung fans thinking that the release was inevitable for 2018 and might even come as early as January, until Koh's recent statement.

At this rate though, Samsung will have to double up their efforts should they want to be the first to achieve the said innovation. As reports indicate that both Apple and LG are rumored to also be developing their own flexible smartphone models. Being the first to achieve such a design would have significant repercussions to the smartphone industry and might even set a new trend or standard if done correctly.