Samsung pokes fun at iPhone's loyal fans in new advertisement

In its new ad, Samsung mocks iPhone X's notch.YouTube/Samsung Mobile USA

Samsung has released a new ad that will surely fan the flames of the longstanding Apple vs. Samsung wars. The new video mocked the loyalty of iPhone users to the brand in an attempt to convince them to switch to its Galaxy flagship phones.

The new advertisement was released by Samsung Mobile USA and showed a brief history of the iPhone's issues, and the questionable decisions made by Apple. It also reminded people of the iPhone's slow adoption of technologies like waterproofing and wireless charging, which Samsung was quick to include in its phones.

The video is called "Growing up," and it follows a man who was drawn to the first iPhone in 2007 after seeing long lines outside an Apple store. By 2010, the iPhone fan could no longer take photos using his phone because of lack of storage space. This is a shot at Apple's decision in its early years to constantly use 16 GB of storage.

In 2013, the video showed the iPhone fan meeting a woman who is a Samsung fan. It also showed how the 4-inch screen of the iPhone 5S was dwarfed by the 5.5-inch screen of the stylus-equipped Galaxy Note 3.

In 2016, the waterproof feature was highlighted when the couple fell into a lake. The Samsung phone was able to capture great photos while the wet iPhone sat in a bowl of rice.

The video then mocked the iPhone 7's lack of audio port, and the accessory that Apple sold to charge the phone and listen to audio at the same time. The iPhone fan is seen with a lot of cables while the Samsung phone sat on its charging pad, with no wires at all.

The iPhone fan ultimately switched to Samsung's Galaxy Note 8. By the end of the trailer, he passes by the same Apple store that 10 years later, still has the long lines outside. The ad also made fun of the iPhone X's notch at the top of its screen by showing a man with a hairline of the same shape.