SAT-7 draws crowds at Cairo International Book Fair

More than 3,000 children lined up to meet one of their favourite Christian TV personalities at the recent Cairo International Book Fair.

The Cairo International Book Fair is one of the largest of its kind anywhere in the world, with more than two million people visiting the two week event last year.

For the last four years SAT-7, the Middle Eastern Christian satellite television network, has had a booth at the event to give away promotional material and answer viewers’ questions.

This year SAT-7 also had one of its popular television personalities, “Mr Know”, host of the SAT-7 KIDS programme “Why Is That?” at the booth to sign autographs. For several weeks before the event, SAT-7 broadcast a special TV advert promoting his appearance at the book fair.

“It was amazing,” says Mr Know, whose real name is Essam. “So many children were crowding in!”

More than 3,000 children waited in line to receive an autograph and talk to Essam.

Essam particularly remembers two children who were deeply touched during their visit. As he was busy signing autographs, a mother handed him a note that said “My daughter has some special problems. Please give her extra attention.”

The girl also handed him a note, which read, “I am Iman* from Cairo. I don’t have any friends. What should I do? How do I know that God loves me? Thanks a lot Mr Know.”

“I said to her, ‘If you have any problems, talk to Jesus. Don’t let others put things into your head. Talk to Jesus and He will respond to you,’” says Essam, recalling the conversation.

“At that moment a lot of other children started pressing in, but I saw a big smile appear on her face. I really think something happened to her during that moment; the Holy Spirit spoke to her.”

The second incident was with a little boy who had a false leg. Having seen the TV commercial advertising that Mr Know would be at the Book Fair, he had convinced his parents to take him. The boy and his family had travelled a long distance from Upper Egypt to meet “Mr Know”.

Essam recalls the moment vividly: “He wasn’t moving a lot in the line, just waving his hands. And when he came to the front he said, ‘I came just to see you!’ and gave me a big kiss. He then grabbed me around the neck and did not want to let go.”