SBC Total Contributions Up One Percent; Designated Offerings Down 23 percent

The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)'s Cooperative Program (CP) announced a one percent increase in "year-to-date contributions" on Nov. 30, compared to the same time frame in 2003. CP financial reports are given at the close of each month by the SBC Executive Committee President and Chief Executive Officer Morris H. Chapman.

According to Chapman's release, the year-to-date total of $31,990,255.02 for CP is .96 percent, or $305,705, higher than the $31,684,550.02 received at this same point in 2003.

The CP is the Southern Baptists' method of supporting the missions and ministry efforts of the national and state conventions within the SBC. The bulk of offerings to CP comes through state conventions – which receives its fund from churches and individuals. Individuals and churches also give separately to the CP, as do regional fellowships.

Despite the rise in year-to-date totals, the monthly receipt of $14,727,082.50 for November was 7.62 percent lower than the $15,941,639.51 received in November 2003.

Designated contributions, which come through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering for North American Missions, and the Southern Baptist World Hunger Fund, was also remarkably lower than what had been received last year. According to the report, designated giving of $6,250,572.25 for the same year-to-date period is 22.83 percent, or $1,849,027.13, below gifts of $8,099,599.38 received at this point in 2003. The $3,049,134.58 in designated gifts received last month is also $1,674,278.76 below the $4,723,413.34 of November 2003, a decrease of 35.45 percent.

The funds received by the CP are spent according to the 2004-2005 CP Allocation Budget. This year, the Allocation Budget is 4.77 percent higher than the expected $1,456,639 budget to support Southern Baptist ministries across the States and abroad.

State and regional conventions retain a portion of the church contributions to the CP, to support local works. The percentage of distribution is at the discretion of each state or regional convention. This year, during most of the regional and state annual conventions, the delegates decided to continue the same percentage amount of funding to the CP.

Pauline J. Chang
Ecumenical Press