Tension continues to rise in "Scandal" season 5 with this week's episode of the series adding more fuel to the fire. Rowan's release orchestrated by Olivia is becoming a bigger problem to the political fixer herself as her secret takes its toll on her.
In the promo for the episode titled "Even the Devil Deserves a Second Chance," the reason behind Olivia's decision to free the "mass murderer," as Jake addressed the man, is revealed. "To save the man she loves, she did a very, very bad thing," the voice over said.
As it turns out, Olivia panics about the kind of future Fitz and her will share when she marries him under these circumstances. Running out of options, Liv enlists Rowan's help and promises to shorten his time behind bars by offering the judiciary committee to drop the impeachment case.
While it seems like it worked, the "Scandal" season 5 episode things are taking the turn for the worst for Olivia. Not only is she now indebted to Mellie, who helped her pull off the plan, she also has to worry about the horrors Rowan's newfound freedom will allow him to do.
The promo for the "Scandal" season 5 installment also shows Olivia informing Fitz about Papa Pope getting out of prison and in turn promises her that he will get to the bottom of what happened. Fitz has a lot on his hands at the moment as he is also trying to stay in his seat of power in the midst of the issue.
Meanwhile, Jake couldn't be more enraged about what Olivia did knowing that it is a man that cold-bloodedly killed lot of people that's involved. The sneak peek for the episode reveals Jake despises the release of Rowan and laid out his plan to locate him and "put a bullet in his head."
"Scandal" season 5 episode 7 "Even the Devil Deserves a Second Chance" airs Nov. 5 at 9 p.m. ET on ABC.