Scars and Stilettos

|PIC1|More women are employed by the sex industry than at any other time in history. Between 66 and 90 per cent were sexually abused as children. Many come from backgrounds of rape, assault, domestic violence, and addiction. As a child, Harmony was sexually abused and raped by multiple people.

At nineteen fear of being abandoned keeps her trapped in an abusive and cruel relationship. She thinks she has hit bottom – tens of thousands of dollars in debt, struggling to get by, and so controlled by her boyfriend that she doesn't protest when he begins openly sleeping around. Things can't get worse… until someone tells her how much money she can make as an exotic dancer. For the next three years, Harmony lives a double life as Monique, a dancer in a fully-nude strip club.

Scars and Stilettos is Harmony's stark, honest, and ultimately hopeful story of how God found her in that dark, noisy place and led her back out. She has since married, completed an MA in Social Welfare, and now leads Treasures, an organisation helping women in the sex industry discover their value and purpose by providing spiritual inspiration, resources and referrals to professional services. Her vision is to reach out to these women and to let them know there is a God who loves them beyond measure.

‘What blows me away about Harmony’s story is that she showed back up. She decided that this was not about her, but the hundreds of women that remained in the clubs. Her book really showed me the love that Harmony has for these women.’
– Craig Gross, XXX Church, in his preface

Order Scars and Stilettos published by Monarch Books November 2009 at £7.99

Harmony Dust now runs Treasures, a nonprofit organisation which helps women in the sex industry to make healthy life choices. She has been featured in various media sources, including Glamour Magazine, 700 Club, Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew and The Tyra Banks Show. She is a sought after speaker. Her website is