Schwarzenegger Vows to Veto Same-sex Marriage Bill in California

US Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger announced Wednesday that he will veto the same-sex marriage bill approved by the state legislature on Tuesday.
California's legislature became the first in the nation to pass a bill to allow gay marriage, defining the institution as gender-neutral. Conservatives, however, said the bill was detrimental to families and urged the governor to veto it.

The Tuesday vote secured the bare minimum number of votes required to pass Bill AB 849, at 41 – 35 with four abstentions, but still requires the signature of Schwarzenegger to make it law.

Schwarzenegger defended his avowed veto on the grounds that it would conflict with the intent of voters who approved an initiative five years ago. Proposition 22 was placed on the ballot to prevent same-sex marriages from being performed in California.

The governor’s press secretary, Margita Thompson, said in a statement: “We cannot have a system where the people vote and the Legislature derails that vote.

“Out of respect for the will of the people, the governor will veto (the bill).”

The bill which defines marriage as a civil contract between “two persons” conflicts with Proposition 22 which states that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognised in California”.

The battle over same-sex marriage in the state and throughout the nation is being waged on several fronts. In California, Christian groups have endorsed two initiatives that may make their way into ballots in 2006 calling for a state constitutional amendment that would define marriage as being only between one man and one woman.
Randy Thomasson, the president of Campaign for Children and Families who is leading one of the amendment initiatives, said that the governor "can't afford to sign the gay marriage license bill," according to the Associated Press.

"He'll actually become a hero to the majority of Californians when he vetoes it," Thomasson added.

Objectors to the gender-neutral bill indicated that Tuesday night's decision went against the will of California's voters, who five years ago voted to pass a statewide initiative that would not recognise same-sex marriages from out of state. Currently only Massachusetts has legalized gay marriages, however the decision came about by a court ruling, not the state legislature.

"This is a sad day for California families because the very foundation of the family is being redefined and destroyed," said Karen England of conservative pro-family group Capitol Resource Institute in a released statement.

"The legislature, by callously disregarding their constituents, are proving that they are more concerned about embracing a group of adults, identified only by their sexual behavior, than promoting healthy families for the sake of our children," she added.

In contrast, the sponsor and co-author of the bill, Assemblyman Mark Leno (D-San Francisco), said the decision was important for civil rights and families.

"It was a thing of beauty on the floor. To see so many colleagues standing up and speaking about the importance of civil rights and dignity and respect for all our citizens of our families, all of our children," Leno told the San Jose Mercury News.

Assemblyman Chuck DeVore (R-Irvine), who voted against the bill, said that marriage could not be redefined.

"The definition of marriage is well defined in Western society ... it's one man and one woman," he told Knight Ridder Newspapers.

"No matter how much we want to vote on it here in this body, that will never change."

Schwarzenegger’s press office added that the governor fully supports civil rights and that “gay couples are entitled to full protection under the law.”

The California governor said in an interview on “Hardball With Chris Matthews” earlier in March this year: “I don’t believe in gay marriage.”