Scotland Springs into Action for Scottish Inter Faith Week

Events are taking place all across Scotland this week to bring faiths together as part of Scottish Inter Faith Week, Sunday 27 November to Sunday 4 December.

|TOP|The Week aims to promote dialogue, understanding and cooperation between Scotland’s diverse religious communities as well as between faith communities and the Scottish Executive.

A statement by the Scottish Inter Faith Council on the event warned that “faith communities can no longer afford to exist in isolation from each other but must seek to replace barriers of prejudice and fear with bonds of friendship and respect, in order to build a better Scotland for all".

The week will see various religious leaders will be making visits to each other’s places of worship, accompanied by MSPs, in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen.

“Inter Faith Week is a chance for inter faith groups to focus on getting people together who may never have mixed with people of different faith backgrounds, though they may have lived in the same neighbourhoods for years,” said Rosemary Eddie of the Dundee Inter Faith Association.

|QUOTE|She added: “This kind of positive engagement counteracts the mistrust and prejudice which can so easily take hold.”

Imam Mustaqeem Shah, UK Islamic Mission, Glasgow, added: “In today’s climate it is crucial that faith communities work together towards greater understanding and cooperation.

“Scottish Inter Faith Week provides an important opportunity for people to get involved in this work, to meet their neighbours and build on friendships which ensure a more cohesive and harmonious future for Scotland.”

The Scottish Parliament will hold a celebratory reception on St Andrew’s Day, 30 November, in relation to the theme of One Scotland Many Cultures, to be attended by over 60 MSPs including Malcolm Chisholm, Minister for Communities, and Peter Peacock, Minister for Education and Young People.

Malcolm Chisholm MSP will also give the opening address at the National Inter Faith Youth Conference in Dundee, with the city also hosting the ‘Festival of Faiths’ Film Premiere.

The initiative is also supported by the Scottish Executive and the Scottish Parliament.

The full programme of events can be accessed at