Scott Lively: Why he's wrong about absolutely everything

Scott Lively isn't everyone's cup of tea. The conservative anti-gay activist is facing a lawsuit for his support of Uganda's draconian anti-homosexual legislation and regularly ruffles feathers because of his fairly extreme positions.

Judging by an article for entitled The Christian Solution to Jihad, he's at it again. He says he's returned to the US from touring Europe, trying to find out about the two primary threats to Christianity in the world today: the "LBGT agenda and Islamic jihad".

Who's responsible? Barack Obama, of course, who is a "megalomaniac". What's the solution? To "reclaim a more masculine perspective of Christianity and the courage to assert it forcefully".

Lively gives as his role models Ronald Reagan and ("with important reservations") Vladimir Putin. He repeats the (false, but very popular in some circles) view that the US was founded on the King James Bible and the slogan "No King but Jesus" and says the Church is "wussified". And, he says: "What's missing today in the church, in far too many homes and communities, and in the governments of the Western world is strong male leadership grounded in the "whole Bible" worldview, even if not modeling a perfect moral example."

So, granted that Reagan is dead and Putin is Russian, who's the best candidate around? Yes – it's Donald Trump. "The Bible does not teach the sort of moral perfectionism some have demanded of Trump as a prerequisite for their support, but on the contrary offers many examples of morally flawed men placed in leadership of civil government by God Himself. "

So, he concludes: "What will make America (and Europe) great – and safe – again is assertive, resolute, paternalistic and decidedly masculine Christianity. It's time for the church of Jesus Christ to 'man up', throw off the shackles of political correctness in all of its forms, take back the culture from the atheists, libertines and radical feminists, and set an example of strength and order."

So, does Lively have a point? Certainly, if he says Americans are not electing a saint but a president. Someone could be a very good president while not being a shining example of Christian virtue – though someone with Trump's well-documented character flaws is unlikely to be either.

But on every other level, Lively is just wrong. Here's why.

1.The primary threats to Christianity are not homosexuality and Islamism.

These are the primary preoccupations of right-wing conspiracy theorists. The primary threat to Christianity is – as it's always been – Christians who aren't living up to their calling to be Christlike. Lively should go figure.

2. The Church is not "wussified".

A 'wuss' is meek, mild and timid. But the Church today is growing Christians who are strong, courageous and dedicated. They preach, they teach, they sacrifice. They aren't wusses because they don't hate people who are different and don't talk the language of judgment or exclusion.

3. Taking Putin and Trump as role models is horrific.

Admiring someone because they're strong is beyond wrong. The question is, what do they do with their strength? There are plenty of strong rulers in the Old Testament who are condemned for their evildoing. Leaving Trump aside, because he's never yet been able to exercise power, Putin has been responsible for thousands of deaths in Crimea and Ukraine and in Syria. Isaiah 5:20: "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."

4. He has the wrong idea of masculinity.

Has Scott Lively has been watching too many old Westerns? Masculinity doesn't mean aggression, violence and paternalism. Not all problems are solved by gunfire. Women are not frail, fainting little creatures who just need a man's protecting arm around them. That's the shadow-side of maleness which real men learn to discard. They treat women as equals, because they are. God preserve us from spiritual Putins in charge of churches – or in charge of nations.

And God preserve us from Scott Lively and people who think like him.

Follow Mark Woods on Twitter: @RevMarkWoods

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