Scottish Baptists & Catholics Discuss New Evangelical Media Office

|TOP|Scottish Baptists are leading the way in efforts to create Scotland’s first evangelical-oriented media office in a bid to make up for what they regard as a lack of adequate church coverage in the secular media.

The move follows a recent open meeting chaired by the Baptist Union of Scotland general director, the Rev Bill Slack, held to discuss ways of turning the idea into a reality, reports The Baptist Times.

“Christians in Scotland have felt for some time that the secular media does not properly reflect or represent the churches,” declared Mr Slack.

He continued: “However, it is not enough just to sit back and complain. Our own evangelical media office would allow us to both respond to events as they happen and to be pro-active in helping set the agenda.”

|AD|Those involved with the project have voiced concerns over disagreements among Christians and the problem of finance as potential challenges on the development of the initiative.

It has nonetheless gained the support of Scottish Catholics.

Peter Kearney, media officer to the Scottish Catholic Bishops, also participated in the Baptist meeting where he voiced his support for the new media office.

“At the last government census, over 72 per cent of the population defined their religion as Christian, yet the media does not reflect that number. More people go to church in Scotland once a week than to the cinema and football matches combined.”

He added: “I believe an evangelical media office would be a major asset and it could work with other denominations such as ourselves, to better present the Christian voice to Scotland.”