Scottish Christians asked to Support Lord's Day

An appeal has gone out to Christians in Scotland to support the work of Day One Christian Ministries, a group dedicated to the preservation of the Christian Sabbath in an increasingly commercialised and secular society.

Day One, which incorporates the Lord's Day Observance Society, has been at work to protect the Sabbath since its founding in 1831 but has in recent years faced serious financial shortages.

Now Day One is looking for just 500 people across Scotland to sign up to a regular donation of just 16p a day to help keep up the society's work.

The fundraising campaign has the backing of the Free Kirk Continuing, which is encouraging its members to commit to a regular donation.

"The sad truth is that the number of Christians who understand the importance of a kept Sabbath is shrinking at an alarming rate," said the Church. "Many Christians lack even the basic teachings regarding the New Testament Sabbath."

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