Scottish Church Delegation Meets with Minister for Immigration

A delegation of senior church figures from across the major denominations in Scotland has met with the Minister for Immigration during his visit to Edinburgh.

Liam Byrne MP met the interdenominational group on a number of issues that focused on the government's current policy on asylum seekers.

"We voiced concerns about a range of asylum issues, including forced removals and their effect on children already traumatised by events in their home countries, the legal process and the dangers of return to some countries," said Eileen Baxendale of the Baptist Union.

"We had a frank exchange," said the Rev Graham Thain of the Church of Scotland, "and we were thankful that the Minister listened to us in a positive way," he added.

Nelu Balaj, Scottish Churches' Racial Justice Officer, meanwhile voiced his concern about the new 'fast track' asylum model.

"This new model does not allow asylum seekers and lawyers enough time to prepare their case properly," he said.

The church representatives also presented Mr Byrne with a number of documents supporting the churches' concerns, which include letters from school children about the effect of losing their friends when they were deported.

"As churches, we are happy to offer our thinking and experience to the government in their future review of asylum law and policy. We believe that this could be a contribution to making the asylum system more just than it is at present and we hope that the government will listen to us."