Scottish churches fear end of charitable exemption on water

As the Scottish Government's consultation on the future of water and sewerage charging moves towards its closing date, the Scottish Churches Committee is encouraging congregations of all denominations to ensure that their views on the proposals are taken into account.

Churches and church halls, where eligible, are exempt from water and sewerage charges. That exemption, unless continued, will end in 2010 when a new charging framework comes into operation.

The ongoing consultation exercise, which is set to end on 29 February, looks at the various options for the future, many of which have aroused huge concern within Scotland's Christian denominations and the wider faith community.

The Scottish churches are particularly concerned about the prospect of high standing charges for water services, as well as the possible impact of roof area being used as a measure to calculate charges for surface water drainage Such charges are potentially unfair, they says, in relation to the low demands placed on the water and sewerage systems.

Commenting, Mr David Robertson, Secretary of the Church of Scotland's General Trustees and one of the members of the Committee, said an end to the charitable exemption in 2010 could mean substantial costs for Church of Scotland congregations.

He said this was due to the high level of the standing charge element and the relatively large roof areas of churches and halls, which impacts upon surface water charges.

"The Trustees' view is that it is impossible to exaggerate the potentially negative impact that these plans could have on congregational finances," he said. "Indeed, they could prove to be a terminal blow to a number of our less well off congregations."

Andrew Stewart, Chairman of the Committee, continued: "This is a critical issue for all of Scotland's churches, regardless of denomination, as well as the charitable sector as a whole.

"The Committee would strongly encourage all congregations and charities who will be affected by these proposals to contribute to the ongoing consultation process while there remains time to do so."