Scottish Churches House prepares for the next 50 years

On 22 November 2007, Scotland's main Churches launched a £500,000 appeal to transform Scottish Churches House in Dunblane into a modern conference and hospitality centre to be at the forefront of its work over the next 50 years.

Scottish Churches House is a unique spiritual, intellectual and social resource for the Scottish churches. It is a place of hospitality where for 50 years there has been radical thinking, encounters designed to resolve conflict and educational, cultural and spiritual programmes.

The House is a window of the churches on the civic life of Scotland, a place where faith meets and is tested by social and political realities. In the dining room of Scottish Churches House at Dunblane stands a clock made by prisoners at Aberdeen Craiginches Prison as a token of their solidarity with the parents of the children massacred at the Dunblane Primary School in 1996.

The house now needs a property fit for purpose to support its inspirational programme and other activities. It was founded in 1960 on the Golden Jubilee of the 1910 Edinburgh Conference, from where ecumenical, inter-church cooperation in Scotland started.

Its own jubilee will coincide with the centenary celebrations of the 1910 conference. The Scottish Churches will help endow a refurbished house as a visible symbol of working together in the run up those celebrations.

The refurbishment will provide the bedrooms with en-suite facilities, update catering provision and transform key conference capacity.

A public appeal will be launched in early 2008 to raise the £500,000 necessary.

Danus Skene, the leader of the Interim Management Group charged with raising the funds and project managing the refurbishment, said, "I am truly excited at the future for Scottish Churches House. We already have raised £125,000 from the Carmichael Montgomery Charitable Trust for this refurbishment even before our appeal has been properly launched and have recently had over 130 letters expressing ongoing support for the work that is done here."