Scottish churches look at new uses for rural church buildings

This year's Church Buildings Renewal Trust (CBRT) conference is just one of a number of built heritage events which are set to coincide with Glasgow's Built Heritage Festival, which starts today.

The 2008 conference, "The Use and Re-use of Rural Church Buildings", is a special one-day event that will take place at St Andrew's In The Square in Glasgow this Friday.

The conference will be opened by the Rt Rev David Lunan, Moderator of the General Assembly, and will feature a number of keynote addresses on the role and future of church buildings in rural areas.

The Church Buildings Renewal Trust (CBRT) is a non profit making charitable trust, administered entirely by volunteers. It was set up in 1994 to bring together parties, organisations and individuals with a shared interest in finding new uses for redundant churches.

Groups participating in the keynote conference include the Church of Scotland General Trustees and the Presbytery of Glasgow, as well as representatives of other churches, heritage organisations, business groups and the Glasgow City Council.

Speaking in the run-up to the conference, Rev Lunan said: "There are a number of prominent church buildings across the length and breadth of Scotland's rural areas. Many, but not all, of these premises provide vibrant, living centres of worship.

"This conference will examine ways in which these striking buildings can develop according to changing circumstances, yet still remain at the heart of their communities."