Scottish churches praised for anti-sectarianism efforts

Representatives of Scotland's Christian denominations will gather together on Monday for a one off conference entitled "Part of the solution? - Churches and tackling sectarianism".

The event is jointly organised by the Scottish Churches Parliamentary Office and the Catholic Parliamentary Office and supported by the Scottish Government.

The keynote speakers will be Dr Celia Clegg, of Edinburgh University's Centre for Theology & Public Issues, and Mr Fergus Ewing MSP, the Scottish Government's minister for Community Safety.

Commenting in advance of Monday's conference, Mr Ewing, said:
"I am delighted that faith groups have made such a strong commitment to tackling sectarianism.

"We appreciate the work which faith communities are taking forward both in partnership and independently to rid Scotland of its sectarian past."

The conference, which is taking place during Scottish Inter Faith Week, will highlight the ways in which churches are increasingly working together in communities across Scotland, making a real difference and undermining any who seek to use the labels of faith as a pretext for hatred.

The church leaders will sign up to a joint statement, restating their shared view that "there is nothing Christian about sectarianism". In addition, there will be a number of workshops looking at practical steps that can be taken, and are being taken, to tackle the problem.

Mr Ewing added, "The Government regards Scotland's churches as part of the solution to sectarianism - and definitely not part of the problem.

"We want to see a Scotland based on mutual respect and understanding, one in which negative sectarian attitudes are banished for good, and Scotland's churches have a vitally important role to play in achieving this goal."