Scottish Churches Unite in Anti-Sectarian Effort

The leaders and representatives of a wide spectrum of churches in Glasgow will this week sign a common statement celebrating the way in which they are working more closely together than ever before.

The signing of the statement coincides with an exhibition, 'Histrionics', at Glasgow's Gallery of Modern Art showcasing the work of artist Roddy Buchanan as he explores aspects of sectarianism. His exhibition will run until October 2007.

The churches statement will be signed at the gallery, situated in Royal Exchange Square, on 17 May. Representatives of the Baptist Union of Scotland, Glasgow Quaker Meeting and The Salvation Army will be present.

The statement is backed up by a leaflet - 'How They Love One Another' - produced in partnership by Culture and Sport Glasgow, Glasgow Churches Together and Sense Over Sectarianism, to back-up the statement. The leaflet will be unveiled at the same time as the signing of the statement and will be available from the Gallery of Modern Art.

Signatories to the common statement are:

• Baptist Union of Scotland: Rev Bill Slack, General Director;
• Church of Scotland: Rev Alastair Cherry, Moderator of Glasgow Presbytery;
• Methodist Church: Rev Derek Bibb, Superintendent, Glasgow Circuit;
• Religious Society of Friends: Mike Brown, Clerk, Glasgow Quaker Meeting;
• Roman Catholic Church: Most Rev Mario Conti, Archbishop of Glasgow;
• Salvation Army: Major Ivor Telfer, Divisional Commander;
• Scottish Episcopal Church: Most Rev Idris Jones, Primus;
• United Free Church of Scotland: Rev Ann Purdie, Moderator, Presbytery of the West;
• United Reformed Church: Rev Mary Buchanan, Ecumenical Officer;
• Evangelical Alliance: Rev Fred Drummond, General Secretary.