Scottish Parliament has sneaky PEEK at anti-sectarian message

An anti-sectarian poster designed by young people from Glasgow's east end is to go on display at the Scottish Parliament.

PEEK, Possibilities East End Kids, undertook a host of activities to show sectarianism is not tolerated in Glasgow.

As well as designing the poster, they also produced a short dvd entitled "Apart fae yer jersey yer jst like me" ("apart from your jersey you're just like me"), referring to the different football shirts of Rangers and Celtic. This was showcased at the Tron Theatre and Dynamic Earth, and the group's project also featured on BBC 1's the Heaven and Earth Show.

PEEK was established in October 2000, in response to local peoples calls for provision to be made for their children. Local Ministers and congregational members of St Lukes & St Andrews and St Thomas Gallowgate Church believed working alongside local children and their parents could provide opporunities to broaden horizons through a caring and safe environment for local kids.

Melodie Crumlin, project development manager, said: "The group is delighted to promote our anti-sectarian message in somewhere of such national importance, as it's something we feel very strongly about.

"PEEK tries to listen to the voices of local children and young people and help them to meet their goals."

The poster will be on display inside Holyrood from April 28 until May 1.