Scripture Union Focuses on Bringing Children & Youth to Christ

|PIC1|The new Bishop of Sherwood, Tony Porter, have given a rousing address during his first public engagement at the Diocese of Southwell and a Scripture Union training event at the end of March.

The Scripture Union event entitled ‘Tiddlywinks’ sought to provide attendees with practical advice on working with children under the age of five. Many children’s workers gathered for the occasion, which was led by Scripture Union’s Training Manager, Alastair Wood, and the Children’s Officer for the Diocese of Southwall, Nick Harding.

As he spoke to more than a hundred delegates that gathered for the training day, Bishop Porter said, “Children’s workers are heroes!’ and spoke passionately about the need for strong and supportive leaders in children’s ministry. He also encouraged those in attendance to ‘not lose your sense of privilege to do children’s work.”

Well-known for his passion to share faith with ordinary people, Bishop Porter has spent the past eight years reviving a declining church in the Bacup area of Manchester and most recently led a congregation of between 6-700 at his former church in Rusholme, near Manchester’s Moss Side.

|TOP|During the passionate address, Bishop Porter also made his ministry agenda clear. He promoted the Annual Diocesan Training Day for Youth Leaders held on the 7 October, and stated that this event should be on everyone’s calendars to attend.

In a rallying call, Bishop Porter urged the children’s workers to remain passionate in their children’s and youth ministries, and in teaching the scriptures. Above all things though, he told them to be passionate about Jesus Christ.

The address was concluded saying: “It’s our priority to teach the Bible well.”

Scripture Union is an international mission movement working with churches in more than 140 countries to bring the good news of Jesus Christ to children, young people and families, and to encourage them to develop spiritually through the Bible and prayer.