Scripture Union launches SchoolsLive

Scripture Union has announced the launch of a new free online resource for leaders of Christian groups in school, ready for the start of the new school year.

SchoolsLive is the new platform for Scripture Union's resources for SUPA Clubs (Scripture Union Primary Age) and RE:source, for secondary school Christian groups. It provides Bible-based resources to the leaders of these groups and puts a wealth of activities and ideas at their fingertips. There is an outline for each week of the school year plus access to search the archive of SchoolsLive and LightLive activities.

Through SchoolsLive, believed to be the first of its kind, leaders of school groups can set up group profiles and have activities recommended that are tailored to their group and facilities. They can also plan and manage their weekly programme following a syllabus or even devise their own.

In addition, they can view and select activities most suitable for their group and compile and print their sessions and download resources. There is also help and advice for those wanting to start a group and forums for leaders to share ideas and experiences. Most importantly SchoolsLive is free to use.

Keith Civval, Chief Executive at Scripture Union, explains: "We are committed to help grow the number of Christian groups in schools so we wanted to make SchoolsLive easy to use and accessible for all kinds of school Christian groups.

"We hope that SchoolsLive will be an invaluable tool for every leader of a Christian group in school, whether they are a qualified schools worker, local volunteer or student passionate about their school."