Scripture Union Week of Prayer Starts Sunday

The worldwide family of the Scripture Union is gearing up for a week of prayer, beginning Sunday. The prayer week is one of the most important weeks in the Scripture Union calendar.

|TOP|The Scripture theme for the week is Lamentations 3:22–25: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness...The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him...”

The SU urged members to focus on Thanking God and Bringing to God our needs and concerns and intercessions throughout the week of prayer. The SU recommends Colossians 1:9–12, Hebrews 4:12 and Isaiah 55:10–11 for people wishing to focus on thanksgiving to God.

The SU prayer guide lists the different prayer topics for each day of the week. The week will start on Sunday with a day of prayer for children, particularly children in high-risk areas or circumstances. The SU also requested prayers of thanks to God for the expansion of their school work in Sri Lanka to include 20 more schools.

Monday is the day of prayer for young people, with thanks given for numerous youth facilities completed during the year, including a new campsite in Armenia, a Bible Centre in St Petersburg, the Stariniki campsite in Belarus and Murmanskie retreat centre.

Topics for the following days of prayer include SU Bible Ministries, leadership, international initiatives and concerns, for the provision of resources, and strategic development.

The SU is looking to restart ministry in Brazil as well as revive work in other parts of Latin America. It also hopes to expand to other parts of the world its Aids for Aids/Lifeskills programme, which is currently only running in Africa.

The Christian mission group requested prayers for the numerous large-scale training and vision-casting events scheduled for 2006, including its Senior Staff Development Course, 9 – 18 January in Cape Town, and the Lifeskills Forum, 6 – 16 November 2006.

The week of prayer ends Saturday 12 November.