Seal explains controversial Instagram post is not an attack against Oprah

Seal performing during the music festival in Rio De Janeiro, BrazilReuters/ Ricardo Moraes

British singer and songwriter Seal cleared things up after receiving backlash due to an Instagram post that many believe to be an attack against the famous Oprah Winfrey. Seal took it to social media to explain the he did not intend to attack Oprah, and that his post is merely his comment on hypocrisy and the double standards in Hollywood.

Seal recently posted a meme composed of two pictures on his Instagram account. The top photo is Oprah kissing alleged sexual predator and film executive Harvey Weinstein. The next photo is Oprah and Weinstein and in between them is British singer Rita Ora. The post has the quote, "When you have been part of the problem for decades. But suddenly they all think you are the solution." The male singer also captioned the photo with the hashtag, "SantimonousHollywood."

Posting a video on Facebook, seal said that his post was wrongly perceived by a number of people. "Let me start by saying that I have an enormous amount of respect for everything that Oprah has achieved and contributed in her life," Seal says in the video. The Grammy recipient then proceeds to calling Weinstein a "pig."

Seal explained, "What I reposted was not an attack on Oprah at all. No, what I posted was commentary on the hypocritical and double-standard nature and behavior of Hollywood."

He then turns his attention to the supporters of the "MeToo" movement that Oprah promoted during his Cecil B. DeMille Award during the most recent Golden Globes. "To those of us who support the 'MeToo' movement, just know this, not one of the women who have been sexually abused, not one of the women who have come forward has received any real justice whatsoever," he said.

He also applauded the women who came forward to report sexual misconducts in Hollywood for their courage.

The "Love's Divine" also had something to say against Fox News and its contributor Stacey Dash. Seal slammed Fox News for using him as a "pawn against Oprah" for political gain. He then accused Dash for utilizing his comments for her self-hating campaign.