Sean Lowe's favourite Bible verse puts his life in perspective

Sean Lowe's favourite Bible verse is James 4:14.Ed Young/Facebook

Former Bachelor star Sean Lowe says that his favourite Bible verse James 4:14 helps put his life in perspective.

It says, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog — it's here a little while, then it's gone."

"So often, I become enthralled by all the pressures and responsibilities of life that I completely lose sight of what's really important - walking hand in hand with God. You see, when I sit back and think about my time here on earth and compare it to the eternity that I'm going to spend in heaven, it forces me to realign my priorities," said Lowe in his Patheos blog.

The reality star admitted that humans can never win against death, no matter how hard they try, and for the ever-competitive Lowe, it took quite some time before he accepted that fact.

"As humans, our most desperate wish is to win. We try to win everything, up to and including the ultimate contest: us against our own deaths. The profundity of the cross is that it looks death in the face and confronts it directly. The cross is the end of the human contest. We lose," he said.

But God is not in any competition with humans, since He cares about people's salvation. Lowe quoted Reverend Nick Lannon as saying: "God, in Christ, brings victory out of defeat. God, in Christ, brings life out of death. We all die, but in Christ, we have the hope — no, the promise — of new and eternal life."

Lowe thinks it is a good and refreshing perspective to have, since it allows him to take a step back from his busy life and evaluate the things that really matter. "God's love reaches far beyond my understanding. My soul will exist long after my time on Earth is done," he said.