Seasonal outreach

Each season offers different opportunities in Falmouth. Throughout the year, Alan Offord finds that after school Kidz Klubs enable outreach to students and families alike. As an OAC Ministries (Open Air Campaigners) evangelist, he and his team engage with school children and their relatives through a variety of occasions.

Easter Monday attracted over 100 students from clubs with family members. As people arrived, they could join in games or crafts. A short film clip introduced the Easter message. Then everyone went outdoors to hunt Easter eggs throughout the extensive grounds.

At the same time, a mystery game was enacted with team members dressed as biblical characters. People chose to participate, asking the recognisable characters such as guards and Mary Magdalene questions like, ‘Did you actually see Jesus dead?’ or ‘Have you seen Jesus alive for yourself?’

The day ended with a barbeque and lively conversations. Alan notes, "Getting people outside the church to ask relevant questions is important. In street evangelism, we realise that most people do not understand who Jesus really is and the Good News of His death and resurrection for them."

Summer will bring the chance to use the Falmouth seaside location. In early July, a beach barbeque will be held. Mainly geared to end of term school leavers, their families as well as others are also invited. Beach games will add to the fun of the day as well as enjoying the water itself.

"Although Falmouth is located on the sea, some youngsters have never been to the beach," said Alan. "When they relax and start to enjoy themselves going into the water, it really builds their confidence."

With the new school term beginning in autumn, Kidz Klub assemblies provide a sample of what to expect with a skit, song and short Bible message. The team of over 30 covers six schools. Some team members have youth work experience, others learn.

"Training is not a matter of settling in," Alan insists. "It’s about how others can develop their creativity. It’s the team pulling together to put across activities."

This hands-on approach applies to students as well. Older students are encouraged to use computer facilities, generating atmospheric special AV effects. When parents and others come, students enjoy spontaneously performing some of the songs they’ve learned. These times are special as many come from broken homes and are deprived of stable family backgrounds.

With the ultimate Christmas season in view, team members assure everyone that all will be participating in a show with music and the Gospel message. Interaction will culminate the season as food and fun mingle with a clear presentation of biblical faith.