Sentamu Backs Urban Flood Appeal

The Archbishop of York, the Most Rev Dr John Sentamu, has issued a call for donations to a special fund for communities in urban areas hit by the recent floods across the UK.

|PIC1|The CUF (Church Urban Fund) Disaster Relief Fund has been set up to provide much needed help to those devastated by the recent floods.

Launching the fund, Dr Sentamu assured that local churches would work with flood victims in their long-term recovery.

"As the floods begin to subside, the full extent of their impact will only now become apparent. Local churches will be working to help people long after the TV cameras and reporters have left the scene," he said.

The CUF appeal will help those with the most urgent needs by working through the agency of local churches, many of which are already being used as relief centres and places of respite and shelter.

The fund will help victims by helping them to meet their most basic needs "wherever possible", the Archbishop said, before the medium to long-term help of insurance and government monies kick in.

Many people across the UK have expressed a desire to support flood victims during their current hardship.

The Archbishop appealed to them to give to the CUF appeal: "Essentially this is about local people helping local people, but your help is vital too in giving what money you can - you can make a real difference and bring hope to those facing a bleak future."

The Archbishop's latest appeal comes two weeks after he called for donations to the ARC-Addington fund set up to alleviate the suffering of farmers whose crops and livestock have been wiped out by the floods.

Reflecting on the need for both funds to target those with needs created by the floods, Dr Sentamu said: "Whilst the response to the fund for those in rural areas has been heartening, the reality is that those hit hardest by these floods in town and country are those who had very little to begin with and are now left uninsured, washed out and wiped out by this flooding.

"We all need to give what we can to help those who need it most.

"Local churches are strongly placed to take practical action and many are already doing so but urgently need resources to do more."

Any money given will go to areas of the greatest need to assist the local work of providing temporary accommodation, food and essential goods, a listening ear and counselling support to those traumatised by recent events.

Donations will also go towards local projects setting up emergency payments for those facing hardship, and also to support practical activities such as the provision of volunteer teams to redecorate homes, buildings being used for storage, meeting points.

The Chief Executive of the CUF (Church Urban Fund) Fran Beckett, said: "CUF has a strong track record of nearly twenty years of getting money to where it's most needed in our poorest communities, working through projects on the ground with good local knowledge. They will make sure donations get quickly to the areas where they are most needed whether in cities, towns or beyond."

Although Church Urban Fund is operated through the Church of England, it is for people of all faiths and none.

"Every community that has been hit by flooding has an existing Church facility through which help can be given. In the poorest communities in our land, churches are already working to alleviate poverty and hardship," said Beckett.

"The effect of the flooding introduces a new series of tasks and challenges, but donations to the fund can help in a very real and meaningful fashion."

Also supporting the appeal, the Bishop of Lichfield, the Rt Rev Jonathan Gledhill said: "The flooding this summer is a disaster for many in our country and in our region. This fund is a chance to show how we care for our neighbours. Those who have been unfortunate enough to have lost everything will be immensely helped and encouraged if they can be supported in practical ways by those of us who have not been flooded out.

"I support the Archbishop of York's launching of the CUF Disaster appeal fund to alleviate the affects of the flooding and suggest that we publicise it in our churches.

"The new CUF is for rural as well as urban areas and will be used to help people of all faiths and none."


Donations to the CUF Disaster Relief Fund can be made in 3 ways:

1) Call 020 7898 1667 to donate by telephone with your debit/credit card

2) Go to and click the 'Donate NOW' button for secure on-line giving

3) Post a Cheque or CAF voucher (payable to CUF) to Church Urban Fund, Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ, with a note to say that your donation is for the CUF Disaster Relief Fund'.