Sentamu backs WaterAid Harvest Appeal

As harvest time approaches, the Archbishop of York is appealing for faith groups to give thanks by supporting WaterAid.

The charity works in 17 countries to provide some of the world's poorest people with access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene education.

Dr John Sentamu is encouraging churchgoers to support WaterAid's Church Harvest Appeal.

"Access to water and sanitation form the first essential step in overcoming poverty. Please join me in supporting WaterAid in this essential work," he said.

Since 1998, faith groups have given over £1 million to WaterAid's Harvest Appeal through church collections and other fundraising activities.

The Church Harvest Appeal will highlight the needs of some of the world's poorest communities and the difference that WaterAid is making through its rainwater harvesting schemes.

St Bernadette's school in Lower Nsooba, Uganda benefited from such a scheme. Pipes and guttering on the roof send rainfall to a large tank that provides pupils access to a lasting supply of safe, clean water. Previously, the children spent much of their day collecting unclean water and high incidents of diarrhoea meant they regularly missed school.

WaterAid has put together a free harvest resource pack for churches and religious groups with prayer and hymn suggestions plus ideas for fundraising activities and collection envelopes.

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