Sentamu presents slave vases to Houses of Parliament representatives

|PIC1|The Archbishop of York Dr John Sentamu has presented two slave vases to the Speaker of the House of Lords and House of Commons representing both Houses of Parliament to mark the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.

The two slave vases were presented to Michael J Martin MP and Baroness Helene Hayman at the Speakers House on Tuesday evening.

The vases depict a kneeling slave in chains surrounded by the caption 'Am I not a man and a brother?'.

The six priceless vases created by John Mohin, Director of Wedgwood, are replicas of those originally created by Josiah Wedgwood who was part of the 18th century British Committee to abolish the slave trade.

Prior to presenting the vases Dr Sentamu said, "The vases symbolise hope borne from suffering and tears. In commemorating some of the achievements of the abolitionists, their faith helped to transform the lives of countless men and women across the world. May we also live out that faith and become the change that we would like to see in the world."