Sentamu to jump 12,500ft for Afghanistan parachute regiment

|PIC1|The Archbishop of York is set to take the ultimate "leap of faith" to raise money for the families of soldiers killed or injured in Afghanistan.

Dr John Sentamu will hurl himself from a plane at 12,500ft with the Parachute Regiment 'Red Devils' display team from RAF Langer near Nottingham in six weeks time on 27 May 2008.

The Archbishop is urging the public to sponsor him to complete the daring parachute jump to generate funds for the Afghanistan Trust - a charity formed in 2007 to help support soldiers and their families who have served with 3rd Battalion, the Parachute Regiment in Afghanistan, and who have been wounded or killed as a consequence.

"The armed services and their families in this country make enormous sacrifices on our behalf," the Archbishop said. "There are regiments in Yorkshire and across the country who are making a huge contribution in helping to rebuild Afghanistan and to defeat the Taliban."

"Unfortunately many of the families who have lost loved ones in the conflict are not being given enough financial support, and for those who return home as wounded heroes, the support can be a long time coming and then not nearly enough."

Dr Sentamu will jump in tandem with businessman Guy Brudenell, who brought the plight of bereaved families to his attention at a special dinner.

The Archbishop continued: "My prayers have been with the brave men and women who do this dangerous but vital work in our name. But I also wanted to do something more to help their plight.

"This will be my first parachute jump and I'm excited at the prospect. I hope that many people will get behind the appeal and show their appreciation for the amazing sacrifice our armed forces and their families have made."

The Archbishop hopes to raise at least £50,000 through the jump.

Captain Sarah Freeman, one of the charity's trustees who is currently serving in Afghanistan as part of 3 Para, said: "We were over the moon to learn of the Archbishop's support and his fundraising efforts. This money makes a vital difference to those who serve and their families in times of difficulty. We are enormously grateful for all the Archbishop's efforts on our behalf."

Mr Brudenell, a successful Yorkshire businessman, has many friends in the armed forces after being sponsored through university by the 14/20th Kings Hussars on a three-year short service commission basis.

Mr Brudenell said he was inspired after a fundraising lunch held by the Afghanistan Trust last year during which a presentation was made to the wife of Corporal Budd who was killed in action and was awarded the Victoria Cross - the highest award for bravery in the British Armed Forces.

"Sadly the compensation she has received since his death does not, we feel, match the sacrifice he has made," he said. "This is one example of many."

A website in support of the Afghanistan Trust has been set up and donated by York based companies Stone Soup and Designition. The site can be viewed at

Individuals, businesses or groups can sponsor the Archbishop by sending cheques to: The Afghanistan Trust, 3 PARA, Hyderabad Barracks, Mersea Road, Colchester, Essex, CO2 7TB.