Seth Rollins gets 'played' in WWE

2015 WWE Money in the BankWikipedia

Seth Rollins has been used to calling the shots and handpick his opponents while he is the WWE Heavyweight champion. He has managed to escape with the title, win or lose.

Of course we all know that unless stipulated, Rollins can easily walk away still the champion even he loses by disqualification or count out. At WWE Elimination Chamber Ambrose did win but by DQ meaning despite the victory he doesn't get the belt.

But technically he did and now Rollins is furious. From the looks of it, Ambrose just took a page out of Rollins book and has gone ballistic as he walks around without the gold.

The two are set to meet once again at WWE Money in the Bank PPV in a ladder match to determine the undisputed champion. The match is technically won once a wrestler is able to get the title hanging from above.

This means that regardless if there would be a referee or outside interference, the only way to win it is to get the belt – something which Ambrose technically did though it was termed as stealing.

Rollins is no stranger to ladder matches having won the Money in the Bank last year which became his ticket to be the WWE champion. But Ambrose is no spring chicken either. He can pull off an upset which makes the match pretty much on even grounds.

So what could be the difference? Outside help.

Rollins is bound to get some from the Authority and Ambrose could get some help from his pal Roman Reigns. However one thing to watch out for is miscalculations or even heel turns.

Will Reigns turn on Ambrose or help but cost Ambrose the WWE belt? How about Kane (if he is still up and about after the MOTB mtach)? Will he get involved?

Reigns could interfere but the question of precision comes into mind. Accidents can happen such as interfering which benefits the other.

Kane has had his issues with Rollins and has been known to get out of hand once his rage turns up. So what will happen?

Oh and don't forget that there is the lurking Brock Lesnar. He wants payback on Rollins and wants to give him a beating.

If Lesnar gets involved, he may help Rollins win the title to make sure that once he gets his chance, it will still be the same person he lost the belt to that he faces.

Wild scenarios but any one of them could be possible.

WWE Money in the Bank takes this place Sunday at 8 p.m. ET and 5 p.m. PT at the Nationwide Arena in Columbus Ohio. The pay-per-view can be viewed live via the WWE Network.