'Shadow of the Colossus' remaster news: Developers discuss what they had to update fore re-release

Hunting down the legendary Colossi is the core gameplay of "Shadow of Colossus."Bluepoint Games

A recent interview with the people at Bluepoint Games, the company that is working on the upcoming "Shadow of Colossus" remake, showcases the various aspects that developers working on remakes have to consider when trying to transfer a game of the past to more modern sensibilities, especially with a title as critically acclaimed and loved as "Shadow of Colossus."

The social media team over at Sony recently went to visit the studio of Bluepoint Games to get a better understanding of what changes they are making for the much anticipated remaster and how they went about deciding what to change and what to keep intact.

Randall Lowe, a producer of the studio, talked about how they decided to only make very "thoughtful changes" and mentioned how they wanted to make sure the overall feel of the game remained the same while adapting some more modern quality of life features such as a more contemporary control scheme, specifically mentioning how games like "Uncharted" and "Horizon: Zero Dawn" play.

"Making the game the way you remember it is the most important mission we have, regardless of everything else," Lowe said.

The team also stated that they do not want to do just a simple one-to-one remake of the game. Instead, they want to make a better product than what was originally released without overshadowing what made the original so good.

Studio president Marco Thrush discussed how they went back and looked at the criticisms that the original game had as well as the various bugs that may not have been fixed due to technical limitations of the time. He mentioned how the PlayStation 3 (PS3) remaster of the game actually had a bug with one of the bosses that unintentionally made it more difficult to defeat and that it was caused by the increased framerate on that version.

Thrush went on to explain how they wanted more than just doing a standard remaster like the PlayStation 3 version and that the PlayStation 4 remake deserves to be so much more than that.

"Shadow of Colossus" for PlayStation 4 is scheduled for a Feb. 6 release.