'Shenmue 3' gameplay news: New gameplay screenshots and images revealed

One of the official photos of the game shared by developers Ys NetShenmue Official Website

Action-adventure video game "Shenmue 3" is coming out soon and its fans have been waiting for more in-game footage of the game. While there is not much of this to share as of now, developer Ys Net has at least teased its fans by releasing some official photo from the actual game.

The images were first revealed during a conference at Magic Monaco. The game's series creator, Yu Suzuki, was proud to present four images showing how much they have progressed. The images, of course, included protagonist Ryo Hazuki. There is also one closeup photo of a kid to possibly show that Ys Net heard its fans worrying about the lack of facial expressions.

Ys Net uploaded those images on their official website for those who are interested in seeing them. There are also new characters revealed especially an old man who seems to be some sort of mentor, perhaps, of Ryo.

The concern for facial expression was publicly acknowledged by Ys Net themselves. After the release of the last trailer, they have also uploaded a dev diary update video that talked mainly about their work on the facial expression. While there is much to do since then, hopefully, they get to implement it properly by the time the game gets released.

"Shenmue 3" is actually a game that originally started as a Kickstarter campaign. Its fans have donated and contributed enough to a total of $6 million with $2 million of it coming from the first hours of the campaign. Players, especially those who have helped fund the game, will definitely want to see it pay off.

There is no release date set yet for "Shenmue 3" but it should be out within the year. It would be made playable on the PC and PlayStation 4.