Silver Ring Thing Teen Featured on TrueTube

TrueTube, a video debate site aimed at teenagers, recently featured Horsham Silver Ring Thing member Doug Hogg for the current debate on "Sex outside of Love".

Hogg, 17, commented, "It was interesting being filmed by a company with such a prestigious filming history but at the end of the day it was a great opportunity to have my views heard. We tend only to see in the papers and on the TV the negative side of teenagers in our communities and this new type of medium allows us to get our voice heard. I believe that sex outside of love is a huge mistake, and as I said in the video clip, so is sex outside of marriage."

He continued, "You can see by some of the comments that people have made regarding my video clip that they not only support what I said, but agree with it. Which backs up my point that there are large groups of young people wanting make a difference, to stand up for what they believe is right and speak out"

Recently the Institute for Public Policy Research (Ippr) claimed that British teenagers are the most sexually active on the continent with more 15-to-19 year olds having babies than anywhere else in Europe.