Single and hoping to marry? Here's how trusting God to give you the best partner works


God knows the best for us. He made us with His own hands, knit us inside our mother's womb, and brought us forth on the day that we were born. He knows our personalities and talents, and knows the boundaries where we will live. He knows our preferences and what will make us truly happy. He knows all the days of our lives even before anything happened because all these days are already recorded in His book.

And because He loves us and is for us, He is by no means a killjoy.

The pitfall of not trusting in God for a partner

Apparently, God's goodness and love has been misunderstood through the ages, specifically in choosing the right partner. The Bible presents to us people who did not trust in the Lord for their partners and ended up marrying someone who hurt them.

Consider Samson, that long-haired judge in the book of Judges. A Nazirite from birth, Samson was supposed to be God's leader in his time, but failed to do so because he became so enamoured and allured by Delilah, who led him to his demise (see Judges 16).

Consider Jacob, who because of his love for Rachel, worked many years for her – and ended up deceived into marrying Leah. Sadly, Leah was unloved by Jacob, and the latter had to work more years to get the woman of his dreams (see Genesis 29).

Consider also King David, who as Israel's king could have married anybody he liked, as long as the woman was single. But he committed adultery by lusting after Bathsheba, and did further sin by hatching a murder plot to kill Uriah, the woman's husband. God was not pleased with the man after His own heart because of this (see 2 Samuel 11).

Friend, if you are single and desiring a partner, you should learn from these guys. They were great names in the Old Testament, but all of them had blunders in their love life.

What about you?

Friend, if you're single and desiring a partner, learn to trust in God for one. The Bible says that when we trust in the Lord and lean not on our own understanding, and that when we acknowledge Him in all our ways, He will direct our paths (see Proverbs 3:5-6). I can assure you that He won't direct you into a partner you'll regret marrying.

Consider Ruth, who because she decided to make Naomi's God her own, was led to Boaz's arms, and became part of King Jesus' royal lineage (see book of Ruth).

Consider Joseph, who despite being bethrothed to a woman who mysteriously became pregnant, married the woman who would become our Saviour's earthly mother – and he himself Jesus' own earthly dad (see Gospels).

Consider me, who after struggling with loneliness, finally prayed to the Lord and casted my cares upon Him, and was able to marry the woman of my dreams – a woman who is beautiful, charming, and one who truly fears the Lord.

I encourage you, friend. Trust in the Lord for a partner and do not fret. He'll give you who is best for you.