'Sister Wives' season 6 cast news and update: Meri divorces Kody because of Robyn, Robyn's reaction to critics

TLC's "Sister Wives" season 5 recently concluded and it ended with a shocking decision from Meri, Kody Brown's first and legal wife. Meri wanted to divorce Kody and she explained why she wanted to do it. It had something to do with Robyn, the youngest of the four spouses. 

Robyn has three children from her previous marriage and her relationship with her ex-husband isn't that good. The kids aren't close to their dad either. Meri and Kody want to adopt the kids since their only child is all grown up now. However, Nevada law won't allow this kind of adoption unless Robyn gets married to Kody. Because of this, Meri decided to divorce Kody so that Robyn can be legally married to him, thus allowing him to legally adopt the three kids as well. 

In the season finale, Meri admitted, "I'm not going to lie — it is a little bit scary for me doing this divorce. And having it really be for nothing as far as the possibility of not being able to adopt the kids." 

Meri also said that she is unsure if this process would work, but thinks that it will be worth the try. After all, the kids' welfares are at stake. 

Meanwhile, Meri's decision didn't sit well with the other members of the Brown Family and the fans of the show. Janelle voiced out her concern that this decision would change the family dynamics and that Kody would be closer to Robyn. 

As for the fans, they took to Twitter to express their surprise and disappointment over Meri's decision. Instead of being angry at Meri, Robyn was the subject of the fans' wrath and anger. They tweeted hate messages and even accused Robyn of having "scripted emotions." 

Robyn couldn't take the heat and tweeted her reaction to what's happening.

She said, "So I tried something the last few days. I tried answering a lot hate messages and questions thrown my way from fans. It has taught me a few things. 1. Some people no matter the truth you tell them just WANT to hate. It seems to give them life. It was strange to watch." 

She followed it up with another tweet, saying, "I want to promise those people just seeking truth that if they ask me a real question without hate & without cruelty, I will try to answer." 

Robyn's Twitter account is also filled with love and support from her fans. It seems like some fans are very happy and proud of what Meri and Robyn did. 

"Sister Wives" will return with season 6 this September on TLC.