'Sister Wives' season 7 spoilers: Special shows Mariah had raised concerns with Meri about catfishing


"Sister Wives" is currently facing a lot of controversy due to the catfishing scandal in which Meri, the first of Kody Brown's wives, got involved in an online affair with a man named Sam Cooper only to find out she was tricked and that this Sam was actually a female named Jackie Overton. As it turns out, Meri had been warned beforehand. 

According to a report from Us Magazine, Meri's daughter Mariah had been aware of Meri's online affair and had her suspicions right from the start. Mariah further reveals that she had already figured out that the person her mother was talking to was dishonest and was running some sort of scam.

"From the very beginning I knew that was happening. I tried to tell her and I tried to make it not happen and she just did it anyway. She didn't listen to me," Mariah explained. 

Meri later confirmed that she wasn't just being catfished but was being blackmailed as well. She explained that there were times where Jackie -- as Sam Cooper -- would force her to call and leave voicemails, otherwise she would get online and make it look like as if Meri and Sam were meeting, which would be scandalous for Meri as a celebrity. 

Despite all this, Kody Brown confirmed that he did not consider the event as an affair and he did not consider Meri being dishonest to him. Kody acknowledged that Meri was just forming a new friendship with someone and the mere fact that they never met was enough to console Kody. He also stated that he didn't consider it as an emotional affair.

Kody also stated that he would still support Meri and that it would be best to ignore the issue and move on.

Meanwhile, it has been previously reported that Kody may be looking for a fifth wife to entice the studios to consider the show's renewal.