Six steps to achieving your spiritual goals


We don't have to wait for a specific time of year to set goals or attempt improving our spiritual strength. In fact, waiting for a traditional time to make a change, whether that's a new week, a new year or a new month, is just another excuse for putting off what's necessary. Change is inevitable, but it's much more satisfying when it's on our terms.

Challenge yourself
There's no point setting yourself a goal which doesn't require any elements of sacrifice or demand anything of you. If your goal does neither of this things, it's probably something you already do or something you don't need to. If you're serious about spiritual growth then you need to do something that means you'll have to stretch.

Don't bite off more than you can chew
It's all well and good being ambitious but we need to be realistic as well. You're missing the point entirely if you're setting yourself goals that you know you won't simply struggle to achieve but will fail at miserably.

Set a time frame
A deadline will help give your goal a sense of urgency. Try and devise a reasonable expectation of when you might have you aims achieved. Make sure it's pragmatic, but taxing too. In the lead up to the final deadline, set yourself mini deadlines of what you hope to have completed at regular intervals and how much time you'll devote to it along the way.

Have a plan
There's a lot of truth in the saying: "fail to prepare, prepare to fail". A mistake so many of us often make when we decide to commit to changing a certain aspect of our behaviour or lifestyle is that we fixate on the end goal but don't spend enough time considering how exactly we're going to reach it. Devising a breakdown of tasks or exercises that will facilitate the achievement of your goals will help inform your time frame, enable you to be more successful and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.

Make it personal
If whatever you want to achieve has roots in your individual needs, desires and calling, the more likely it is that you'll be committed to seeing it through.There's no need to approach spiritual growth with a one-size fits all outlook. You're unique and your aims and approach might need to be too.

Commit to it
If you fall at the first, second or even third hurdle, don't give up. Identify what's interfering with your ability to achieve your aims and work through it. Working towards an aim by incorporating all of the points above will encourage you to invest in your path to spiritual maturity.