Skinny jeans dangerous? Tight jeans cause woman to collapse

Skinny tight jeans can be dangerous to health.Wikimedia

Squatting while wearing tight jeans can be dangerous to health, according to doctors.

The warning comes after the case of an Australian woman who was hospitalized after losing sensation in her legs, and even becoming temporarily immobilised.

According to Sky News Australia, the 35-year old unidentified woman collapsed after enduring long hours of squatting with skinny jeans on.

The report states that the woman was emptying cupboards in a squatting position, when she started feeling the numbness sensation on her limbs.

She was having difficulty walking and she eventually tripped and fell to the ground and was unable to get up.

The woman was found lying helpless on the ground and was then brought to the hospital with complaints of ankle weakness and swollen lower legs, according to ABC News.

By the time she was brought to the hospital, the medical team saw how swollen the legs were that they had to cut the jeans off to remove them. Reports stated that it took four days before the woman could walk normally again.

The case happened six months ago, according to the woman's attending physician Dr. Thomas Kimber, who told Live Science.

It has since become the subject of a study and was published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry this week.

Doctors from Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia report that the woman had experienced damage to her lower leg muscle and nerve fibers, which resulted from low blood supply to the legs due to prolonged compression from squatting in the the tight skinny jeans.

This, however, does not mean that ladies must say goodbye to the jeans because according to Kimber, they are generally safe. He only warns that people should be extra careful about squatting for long periods with the jeans on.

If it starts to feel uncomfortable wearing jeans while squatting, Kimber advises people to get up, change position and move around to get the blood circulating again.