Software engineer sentenced to life imprisonment after killing teen over loud music

Michael Dunn raises his hands in disbelief as he looks toward his parents after the verdicts were announced in his trial in Jacksonville, Florida February 15, 2014.[CREDIT: REUTERS/BOB MACK/FLORIDA TIMES-UNION/POOL]

Michael Dunn from Jacksonville, Fl. was convicted of first-degree murder Friday after the killing of 17-year-old Jordan Davis. He has been sentenced to life imprisonment without parole.  

The 47-year old software engineer was also given three 30-year jail sentences to be served consecutively for attempted murder, plus 15 years to be served concurrently for firing a gun at an occupied vehicle.  The sentence was handed down by Judge Russell Healey.

According to reports, the conflict between Dunn and Davis, which took place last November 2012 at a gas station,  was sparked by the loud rap music coming from Davis' vehicle.  Prosecutors stated that Dunn shot his gun 10 times at the SUV carrying Davis and three other teenagers.

Dunn was sentenced to three counts of attempted murder in his first trial in February for the three teenagers in the vehicle, none of whom were injured during the incident.  At his last trial in September, jurors handed down a sentence of life imprisonment for the first-degree murder of Davis. 

On both trials, Dunn testified and was firm that he acted in self-defense, telling the court he saw the 17-year-old with a gun after the argument over loud music. He continued firing his gun even as the driver tried to flee the scene to make sure no one shot back, thus killing Davis. However, police investigation reports show no evidence of a gun in the teenagers' SUV. Witnesses of the crime also said they didn't notice Davis with any weapon.

Before the sentence was handed down, Davis' mother, Lucia McBath, broke into tears saying she taught her son to be loving and forgiving, therefore, she forgives Michael Dunn for taking her son's life.

In a report from Yahoo news, McBath said, "For years to come I will be forced to celebrate my son's birthday without his presence. As I quietly watch my friends' boys grow into young men, I will forever be reminded of what might've been for my Jordan."

For his part, Dunn said in a statement, as reported by Reuters, "If I could roll back time and do things differently, I would.  I am mortified that I took a life, whether it was justified or not."