Sony PlayStation 4 sales break PS2 record

Sony PS4Reuters

The Sony PlayStation 4 is touted to be the best among the game consoles available in the market to date and apparently this is one reason why many consumers are trying to get their hands on one. And based on recent reports, it looks like a lot of people have indeed gotten a unit of their own which perhaps account for why the Sony PS4 has sold over 18.5 million units as of January 4, 2015.

This was a big jump from the reported 13.5 million units sold made last October, something attributed to Holiday sales which should provide a big boost towards Sony's intent to get back to a profitable state.

With that feat, the Sony PS4 has now broken the initial record by a previous game console also under Sony's wing, the PlayStation 2 by about 5 million. The announcement was made during the Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas by Sony chief Kazuo Hirai.

"I'm liking those numbers," Hirai said. "This is a remarkable success for those consoles."

This development will be a big boost to Sony, especially considering that the company is trying to restructure and find ways to put itself back in the black.

The Sony PS4 is in a tight battle with Microsoft's Xbox One and Nintendo's Wii but apparently the PS4 has become the favorite of consumers. Microsoft did try to maneuver itself by dropping the price of the Xbox one and bundling games to help boost sales during the holidays but apparently the tactic was not enough.

Sony is apparently leaning heavily on its gaming division as it tries to reinvent itself after being waylaid by its rivals which include Samsung Electronics. And with reports that Sony is planning to add streaming TV service to the PS3 and PS4 by the first quarter of this year, things could indeed be looking up for the Sony in 2015 and onwards.