Sony E3 2015: Awaited games unveiled at press conference

Sony Computer Entertainment made fans happy by unveiling some of the most anticipated games during its scheduled press conference at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2015 in Los Angeles. 

Unlike the earlier press event of Microsoft which revealed the new features added to Xbox One and future plans for the soon-to-be released HoloLens, Sony focused on revealing the new line-up of its exclusive games for the PlayStation console in their own event. 

The press event began with the confirmation that the long-delayed action-adventure game "The Last Guardian" will finally come out next year. The game was introduced at the E3 in 2009, and it was first scheduled for release exclusively for PlayStation 3 in 2011. Constant delays led players to believe that the game will no longer come out. However, a new game footage proved that "The Last Guardian" will definitely come out this time.

The Last Guardian trailer during E3

Then a live gameplay for the new action role-playing game "Horizon: Zero Dawn" from Guerilla Games was featured in Sony's press event. It was followed by the announcement of the new "exclusive PlayStation content" for the upcoming "Hitman" release, as well as the announcement regarding the addition of two new characters in "Street Fighter 5," namely Birdie from "Street Fighter Alpha" and Cammy from "Super Street Fighter 2."

Horizon Zero Dawn trailer at E3

The demo for Hello Games' highly anticipated adventure game "No Man's Sky" came up next. Although it did not show the gameplay of the open universe game, the demo let fans have a look at its impressive graphics and vast space for exploration. 

Sony's E3 2015 press conference also showed two new games that are meant to spark creativity for players. One of them is called "Dreams," which can create movie paintings from scratch with the use of the typical PlayStation 4 controller. The other one is called "Firewatch" from Campo Santo studio. 

Another popular game that was unveiled during Sony's press panel is the remake of "Final Fantasy 7." The remake of one of the most successful installments in the "Final Fantasy" franchise has been rumored for a while, but it was only confirmed at the press conference. The original team, comprised of Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshinori Kitase, and Kazushige Nojima, will return to work on the new version of "Final Fantasy 7."

Final Fantasy 7 reboot

Finally, Sony announced that Ys Net's "Shenmue 3" will be in the works after game producer/ director Yu Suzuki launched a Kickstarter campaign to fund the game. 

The debut of "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" and "Destiny: The Taken King" were also presented during the press conference, while Sony CEO Andrew House also talked about the virtual reality plans of the company for PS4 called Project Morpheus

E3 2015 is being held at the Los Angeles Convention Center and will run until June 18.