Sony Xperia Z6 cancelled: Xperia Z series ends with Z5 as Sony switches to Xperia X

The Xperia Z5 and Xperia Z5 Compact. Sony Mobile confirms there will be no Xperia Z6 since the Z series will be discontinued.Facebook/Sony Mobile US

Previously, rumors cropped up that Sony was making up its mind whether to release the Xperia Z6. It turns out that the tech manufacturer has decided that the Xperia X series will take over and the Xperia Z6 will not be released after all.

According to Android Authority, the premium flagship tag will go to the recently launched Xperia X Performance. The specs sheet for the iteration confirms that the new smartphone is what the Xperia Z6 was supposed to be – Snapdragon 820 processor, 3 GB of RAM, improved camera and a sleek body design. Although Sony Mobile did not indicate it on the specs sheet, the Xperia X lineup also seems to have water resistance, a signature feature of the Xperia Z series.

The industry follower added that the Xperia Z series is not the only lineup that Sony Mobile is replacing as it was indirectly hinted by a spokesperson that the Xperia XA is the "rumored" successor to the Xperia M4 Aqua.

An exclusive by tech insider uSwitch further confirmed the news. According to the industry follower, Jun Makino, senior product marketing manager at Sony Mobile, stated that "I can't comment on the future, but we will not be releasing a Z6." He also hinted that there will be more additions to the Xperia X series, "bringing the next generation of Xperia Series of intelligent smartphones".

Meanwhile, Phone Arena said that while Sony Mobile may have already admitted that the new Xperia X is the replacement for the Xperia Z series, there are subtle differences that make the newly launched devices an altogether new batch of Sony Mobile smartphones, not just supposed Xperia Z phones. Instead of the glass plate on the back like what the Xperia Z5 was made of, Sony opted for a brushed metal rear for the Xperia X series of phones. In addition, the new lineup has a smaller range of dimensions than the Xperia Z series.