South Africa HIV/AIDS Struggle Inspires CTBI Prayer for Unity Resources

Saturday in South Africa is 'funeral day', when communities, devastated by HIV/AIDS, bury their dead. It is this heartbreaking reality for so many communities around the world ravaged by HIV and AIDS that has provided the inspiration for resources to accompany next year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity.

Each year, churches in a different country are invited to suggest a theme for Christians around the world to follow during the annual Octave of Prayer for Unity.

Christians in Umlazi, near Durban, offered the theme 'He even makes the deaf to hear and the mute to speak,' based on verses from the Gospel of Mark.

Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, the ecumenical body behind the new resources, told Christian Today that "week after week, they (the South African people) cope with mourning and carrying on with life".

Christians in the region who have found their faith in Christ have been given the "courage to speak out, to break their silence, to overcome the shame of victims and to overcome ignorance about preventing the disease," tells CTBI.

Their experiences of despair, resilience and hope, have inspired the worship resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. Churches are planning services to mark the Week, which runs from 18 to 25 January 2007.

General Secretary, the Rev Bob Fyffe said, "These worship resources, produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, encourage prayer for unity all year round, but the Week is a time for our special focus to reinvigorate our growing together."

The resources include a pamphlet, containing the special ecumenical service, 'Breaking the Silence' and daily reflections; a card with prayers for Africa and to encourage people to respond to the needs of others; a large A3 poster to advertise local services and a Resource Book containing additional worship.

In addition, there is a bilingual English/Welsh version of the pamphlet and prayer card. Churches have been encouraged to work and pray for all whose suffering is overlooked, who may be other than those with HIV/AIDS.

The centenary of the Week of Prayer for Unity falls in 2008. The first observance of Prayer for Unity was conceived and implemented by the Revd Paul James Wattson, an Episcopalian priest and founder of the Society of Atonement at Graymoor in Garrison, New York.

The Week of Prayer worship resources are available from CTBI Publications via