South American challenge helps struggling families

A trip of a lifetime for a keen cyclist from Hambledon will raise money for struggling families to go on holiday.

Pete Hubbard, 28, is cycling the length of South America from the most southerly tip to the Caribbean, in a low-budget trip in which he will carry everything he needs on his bike, including his tent. Along the way, he will be using his skills as an acoustic engineer to record everything from music and birdsong to waterfalls and buskers.

As well as combining his love of cycling, mountains, travel and music, Hubbard is raising money for the Portsmouth diocesan branch of the Mothers’ Union (MU) and their ‘Away from it All’ family holiday scheme.

The annual holiday is open to families under stress, on low income, who are disadvantaged or who just need a break.

Hubbard was inspired to choose this charity by his mum, Alison, from St Peter and St Paul’s Church, Hambledon, who is heavily involved in MU community projects. He gained first-hand experience of what they offer to struggling families when Alison asked him to come along and help on the holiday for a week.

“My help, such as it was, pretty much went as far as making sand castles and playing games with the kids,” he said. “Slowly it dawned on me that the mother of these kids probably hadn’t had any time to herself since her children where born, and how revitalising such a simple holiday was for her.”

The holiday is organised by a team of about 12 volunteers for one week every year, and caters for more than a dozen families. It takes place at the Lodge Hill Centre, in Pulborough, West Sussex, from July 31 to August 7.

The families who attend are referred by schools, churches, MU members and other agencies such as SureStart. They often come from cramped housing in inner-city Portsmouth, and benefit enormously from the space, support and friendship they receive there.

To provide this holiday for just one week per year for 13 families costs £12,000. Pete is hoping to raise £1,000 towards this cost.

The Portsmouth branch of the Mothers’ Union is also holding a fundraising barn dance to raise cash for the holiday. The Harvesters will provide music for the event, which happens in Boathouse number 7 of the Historic Dockyard, on April 17, from 7pm-11pm.

Tickets for the barn dance cost £14 for adults and £9 for children and are available from Eve Reidy on 01730 893663 or Free parking and a meal are included in the cost.

To sponsor Hubbard visit:

To find out more about his trip, visit: