South London council throws out appeal of Christian homelessness adviser

A Christian homelessness adviser has lost his appeal against a south London council's decision to dismiss him after mentioning God in a meeting with a client.

Duke Amachree was dismissed by Wandsworth Council after he suggested to a terminally ill client that they consider putting their trust in God.

His case was supported by the Christian Legal Centre, which alleged that during the course of the hearing, the investigative officer for Wandsworth Council had said: "To bring religion up in the course of an interview would be a very dangerous thing to do."

Mr Amachree worked as a homelessness prevention officer with Wandsworth Council for 18 years prior to his dismissal in January, two days after his client reported him.

The CLC said it was one of the most appalling cases of discrimination against Christians in Britain it had ever come across and said there had been nothing in Mr Amachree's employment contract stating that he was not allowed to talk about God in the workplace.

The CLC said it will now take Mr Amachree's case to an employment tribunal.

Andrea Williams, Director of the CLC, said: "Is this really the Britain we live in? Whether we have faith or not, to the mind of every reasonable person I speak to, this treatment is astonishing."