Southwark Cathedral hosts services marking one year since London Bridge attacks

Southwark Cathedral is marking the first anniversary of the attack on London Bridge and the Borough Market throughout the day today. Visitors with gather for the 11am Eucharist or simply to come in to light a candle.

The main event will be a Service of Commemoration at 3pm, providing an opportunity for the families and friends of those who died, the survivors and first responders to come together and to remember.

Southwark CathedralReuters

The service will also recognise all that has happened in the community since the attack. During the service four new corbels will be blessed, one of which depicts PC Wayne Marques, one of the first responders who was injured in the attack. At the end of the service the Bishop of Southwark, the Rt Revd Christopher Chessun will bless an olive tree – 'The Tree of Healing' – as a permanent memorial to those who died. This will be planted using compost made from flowers left on London Bridge after the attack.

Later in the day Southwark Cathedral will host its second Grand Iftar which, this year, will also mark the anniversary of the London Bridge attacks and will bring all communities together to celebrate Ramadan, and celebrate the diversity of those who live and work in the Bankside area. It is organised in conjunction with the Bankside Residents Forum.

Alison Clarke, is artist in residence at the Cathedral for May 21 – June 14. During this period there is an exhibition of three pieces of her work entitled Broken Beauty which has been especially commissioned to mark the first anniversary of the London Bridge attack.