'Space Jam 2' release date: LeBron James partners sparks sequel rumors after partnering with Warner Bros

LeBron JamesWikimedia Commons/ Keith Allison

Spring Hill Entertainment, a production company founded by NBA star LeBron James and Maverick Carter, has recently signed a partnership with Warner Bros., according to a report from the Wired. Almost immediately after, the Internet went ablaze with rumors of "Space Jam 2" possibly in the works.

A Warner Bros. official announcement by CEO and Chairman Kevin Tsujihara reads as follows, as reported by Slash Film: 

"LeBron James has one of the most powerful, well-known brands in the world and we are excited to be in business with him and his partner, Maverick Carter, and SpringHill Entertainment. The combination of LeBron's global media presence and Warner Bros.' unmatched production and distribution expertise is a big win for fans everywhere." 

James recently had a short cameo role in the Amy Schumer film "Trainwreck." Many critics have remarked that while James is not a veteran actor, he is still capable of holding his own. 

Further fueling the flames is that the report also shows Warner Bros. has recently re-registered the trademark for the "Space Jam" name and brand. Very often, companies don't re-register trademarks unless there are plans of using it in the foreseeable future. 

Michael Jordan in Space JamWarner Bros.

"Space Jam," which starred Michael Jordan playing a version of himself, tells the story of the basketball star getting warped into the cartoon world where he has to help Bugs Bunny and the rest of the Looney Tunes cartoon characters in a basketball game that would determine the fate of their world. 

James is a basketball star but there have been many instances where athletes have made it to the big screen. Basketball athletes Shaquille O'Neal and Jordan have done a few films, with the former starring in movies such as "Shazam" and "Steel" and the latter starring in the aforementioned "Space Jam." 

According to Slash Film, this wouldn't be the only instance where James and "Space Jam 2" have been linked together as the actor had reportedly stated his interest in doing the film as far back as 2012.