Spain Evangelicals Pray for Secularised Government Change

Stepping into the New Year, Pray for Spain, an evangelical Christian ministry has urged prayers for a change in the secularised Spanish government. Since March 2004, the new socialist government of Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, has been carrying out a series of liberal changes in the law. The new laws have been widely condemned by Christians as immoral.

In its latest newsletter, Pray for Spain commented that, "The new Socialist government is far more militant in its secular humanism than any before and firmly set on establishing a Secular State. The objective of its social legislation programme is to undo what remains of the Christian influence in the law."

The organisation has especially raised their concern over the following issues that are going to be approved by the government by legislation:

- Broadening of the depenalisation of Abortion (already over 77,000 abortions annually)
- Research on embrionic Stem Cells
- Faster and easier divorce through reduction in red tape and time requirements
- Marriage and adoptions by homosexual / lesbian couples
- Euthanasia, assisted suicide among the aged and infirm and terminally ill
- Subsidies for Islamic education in schools

Spain is strongly influenced by the Roman Catholic Church. 98% of the total population are Catholic while the rest are mostly Protestant and Muslim. Recently, despite the strong opposition of the Catholic Church, the government has given the green light for the legalisation of same-sex marriage. The trend of secularisation has continued to alarm the Church.

Pray for Spain quoted the speech from the Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero when he officially opened the new school year, "No more laws on morality, no more outdated legislation."

Evangelicals in Spain worry that the government wants to outlaw religion in the public sphere so as to complete the separation of Church and State.

Pray for Spain lamented that this is obviously not what God intends. It stated, "God wants His Word to be preached without restriction, He wants to be glorified. Thus we beg you to pray that beyond all human hope these unjust laws may fall by the wayside, unapproved."